Chris Cope
Christopher Cope is a former American mixed martial artist who competed in the welterweight division. He was a competitor on The Ultimate Fighter: Team Lesnar vs. Team dos Santos, and has also competed for the UFC as well as Strikeforce.
Christopher Cope is a former American mixed martial artist who competed in the welterweight division. He was a competitor on The Ultimate Fighter: Team Lesnar vs. Team dos Santos, and has also competed for the UFC as well as Strikeforce.
مارشال، گیلبرت و ایمی سه دوست هستند که به طور تصادفی یک مومیایی را که در زیرزمین خانه همسایه پیدا کرده اند، بیدار می کنند. آنها باید این مومیایی را تا پیش از پایان هالووین به تابوتش بازگردانند و...